If I were younger I would...

...LIVE EVERY MINUTE MORE INTENTIONALLY. Note that I am not saying more intensely. That is not realistic, at least for most of us. Intentions are more within our continuous grasp than intensity. And what do I mean exactly by more intentionally? Consider more carefully what you are saying and particularly what you are doing. And if at all possible, do a lot of listening. And not just to the people you deem worthy. Even big fools do things which make sense to them. Sometimes understanding the sense behind it can prove instructive when interacting with lesser fools.

...KEEP IN MIND THAT ELOQUENCE AND TRUTH ARE NOT THE SAME. This is much harder to do than one thinks. Much harder...particularly when you are in the midst of a situation when someone is being very eloquent and has already persuaded most of the people around you. And if EVERYONE around you becomes persuaded, it gets nearly impossible. But you must withstand your ground, particularly if said eloquent person is exacting an agreement or decision from you. You must resist...you can always say "I need to think about it, and will get back with you later." And if you are told there is no time, then in most circumstances a No is far better than a Yes.

...NEVER, NEVER BELIEVE OR TRUST ANY POLITICIAN. Not a single one. Period. This should actually be the first item in my list but I did not want to turn off readers right away. Politics saturates a good number of conversations in our culture. The language of politicians is lies. It is an understood status quo among them. They accept them as the norm and live with them and by them daily. Among politicians, those that lie with skill, appearing honest, are admired and modeled after. But there is absolutely no redeeming quality to lying. No, the end does NOT justify the means. No, this is not for our good if we look beyond the present. It is a slippery slope in the opposite direction of love. It never leads to love. Lies are the beginning of all that ends bad for any of us.

There is more to say on this one. The effect that POLITICAL IDEOLOGY has on the youth. Most young minds are not yet able to RELATE to how corrupt human nature can become. They think they can fathom it, but they only scratch the surface. This is arguably the most cruel aspect of the human condition. I see so many young people taken by the false truths of political ideology, failing to understand that it is all about power and money for the older ones that live now, and nothing else.
